For businesses in Durham city and the wider county, a wide range of business support and information is available beyond what we offer as part of the Indie Durham City project.
City of Durham Parish Council, which funds the Indie Durham City project, is especially keen for businesses with the parish to become more environmentally aware in how they conduct their business.
“Taking action to combat the climate and ecological emergencies” is one of the council’s ongoing priorities.
We will use this page to link to useful and relevant online green business resources – from the Parish Council and beyond – as we become aware of them.
Last updated: 21 May 2024
City of Durham Parish Council
Our commitment to a Net Zero future as a Parish Council
An overview, from November 2023, of the Parish Council’s commitment to combatting the global climate emergency, and the specific sustainability principles that underpin the work of both Full Council and the council’s committees.
Parish Council launches anti-cigarette waste campaign for the City
Details, from October 2021, of the Parish Council’s “pocket ashtray campaign” to reduce cigarette litter across the city centre.
City of Durham Parish Council Climate Emergency Resolution
The Climate Emergency Resolution agreed by the Parish Council in August 2021, including its commitment to becoming a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030.
Durham County Council
Provided by Durham County Council, “Climate County Durham” is an online resource “where you can learn about climate change, its impact and get all the information you need to take action and help reduce your carbon footprint contributing towards becoming a carbon neutral county”.
A dedicated Business page provides information and solutions around topics such as energy, food, procurement, transport and waste.
Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP)
To date, the BEEP team at Durham County Council has “helped hundreds of businesses across the area become more energy-efficient, save money, and reduce their carbon emissions”.
Any County Durham-based business can use the online form provided to apply for a free energy audit.
Business Durham – Achieving Net Zero
Business Durham, as the business support service for Durham County Council, and a member of the County Durham Economic Partnership, is working with the Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) to support energy efficiency work across businesses in the county.
The page also includes a selection of links and tools that may be useful to any businesses planning Net Zero activity.
Other organisations
The Green Durham website is the new home of Transition Durham, Durham Local Food and the North East Permaculture Network.
The merged site is designed to help users find green groups, businesses and projects in County Durham and the wider North East. Several businesses within the City of Durham Parish Council area are already listed.
Relevant County Durham businesses can apply to be listed in the directory via the online submission form.
Climate Action Durham is “a group of residents in Durham, UK who share a concern for the global climate and economic emergencies and who believe that coming together in local action to tackle them has to be part of the solution”.
The organisation holds regular events and workshops.